Three divisive improvements for The Division
The comparisons continue, and the verdicts keep falling, but there’s one objective truth about The Division: Its reviews are, well, divisive.
Fangirl the Magazine (https://www.fangirlthemag.com/author/sean-morrison/page/2/)
The comparisons continue, and the verdicts keep falling, but there’s one objective truth about The Division: Its reviews are, well, divisive.
The Division is out, Lionhead Studios is closing and there’s a new series running on our site. We have lots to go over at Fangirl this week. Here’s the rundown
This Valentine’s Day, spend some time connecting with your favorite fellow geek.
Another week, another batch of links for our favorite fangirls.
Maybe we should care about faces a little less.
If you don’t know about Cara, you need to. You need to get caught up on these trends, too.