The tragic ‘Amy’ is a must see music documentary
Director Asif Kapadia’s Amy Winehouse documentary, Amy, offers a very personal look at the tragic story of the singer.
Fangirl the Magazine (https://www.fangirlthemag.com/category/entertainment/movies/page/16/)
Director Asif Kapadia’s Amy Winehouse documentary, Amy, offers a very personal look at the tragic story of the singer.
Tiffany Kim Dixon, an assistant editor for the film, All Work All Play, shares her experiences working on a feature documentary about the Intel Extreme Masters World Championship.
Summer is prime time for new films as well as long-anticipated sequels.
Part of the joy of seeing a movie the weekend it comes out is knowing that you are one of the earliest people to see it.
It takes a lot for me to burst out laughing. With a ridiculously talented cast and variety of humor, Spy was able to do just that.
Entourage feels like the show, plain and simple.