“Game of Thrones” Group Therapy
Yesterday, I got off work, already daunted by my hour-long commute home and the hunger that I knew would ensue along the way only to be greeted with a new Game of Thrones trailer.
Fangirl the Magazine (https://www.fangirlthemag.com/category/entertainment/page/26/)
Yesterday, I got off work, already daunted by my hour-long commute home and the hunger that I knew would ensue along the way only to be greeted with a new Game of Thrones trailer.
Marvel released the second trailer for Captain America: Civil War on Thursday, and comic book fans learned a lot.
“Not Tomorrow Yet,” AKA “Something Always Goes Wrong,” finally answers the suspense that’s been building over the past three episodes.
“Knots Untie” introduces a new community and a new enemy to The Walking Dead all at once.
Contrary to popular belief, superheroes don’t only reside in comic books and films. They’re very alive in novels and poetry.