Behind the Mask
Potted Sherlock: 60 Sherlock Holmes Stories in 80 Minutes
Imagine a show where three actors take a literary classic and turn it into slapstick humor and puns SO BAD that you find yourself chuckling involuntarily.
Fangirl the Magazine (
Imagine a show where three actors take a literary classic and turn it into slapstick humor and puns SO BAD that you find yourself chuckling involuntarily.
For many this year, the Oscars are yet another awards ceremony applauding white actors and actresses for their contributions to the film industry.
I don’t know a single gamer who dislikes Cards Against Humanity.
While the commercials made it look like this episode of The Flash was all about the return of King Shark, in reality, “King Shark” serves more as a post-Earth-2 adventure and the effects visiting another universe has on the characters.
Today was a rough day for me.
Earlier this year, #OscarsSoWhite took Twitter and the entertainment world by storm.