Fan Fiction
You could become a beta reader for the new Velvet book by winning Temple West’s fan fiction contest
Fan fiction writers, ready your pens… or keyboards.
Fangirl the Magazine (
Fangirl breaks down several possibilities for the film, with some lore on the side.
Fan fiction writers, ready your pens… or keyboards.
We suggest three comics announced Emerald City Comicon to get readers out of their comfort-zone and into indie publishers, which have been a haven for women creators.
After just one week, Feb. 27 to March 3, the entire Modern Masters 2017 set has been made public, down to the last card.
Do you have a question you would like to ask Dr. Rachel? Send your question to directly to her via Twitter @linacaruso using the hashtag #DrRachel and your question could be featured in next month’s column!
One extra hour and a season finale this week … what could go wrong?
America Chavez shines as the star of her first solo series.
Rat Queens return in an all new first issue.
The spoiler season of the upcoming Modern Masters 2017 set has just begun.
‘North and South Part 2′ is a return to the Dark Horse Avatar comics’ glory days of ‘The Promise’ and ‘The Rift.’