Batgirl: A Matter of Family is sweet, but far too short
By Kelly Scanlon and Amy Davidson
Move over Batman.
Fangirl the Magazine (
By Kelly Scanlon and Amy Davidson
Move over Batman.
Harley Quinn is hands-down one of my favorite characters introduced by the Batman franchise.
Apprehensive is the best word to describe my feelings as I began Go Set a Watchman, the much-anticipated and much-talked about sequel to Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird.
As an E3 attendee and coincidental woman, the marquees for Horizon Zero Dawn and Mirror’s Edge Catalyst felt like laser trackers aiming straight for my wallet.
Before designing one of the more curious games of this year’s E3, and before she joined USC’s Interactive Media and Games masters program, Martzi Campos painted.
Tiffany Kim Dixon, an assistant editor for the film, All Work All Play, shares her experiences working on a feature documentary about the Intel Extreme Masters World Championship.